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Press Materials

Cognitive Therapy Institute of Southern California’s
Fact Sheet

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Institute of Southern California offers cutting-edge cognitive behavioral  therapy for adults and adolescents with a variety of concerns regarding  depression, anxiety and mood problems, as well as problems related to work stress, Complex PTSD/Trauma, and relationship issues related to infidelity, complicated grief and anger, as well as with medical disorders affected by mood: insomnia, chronic pain, and high blood pressure.

This dynamic short-term therapy approach has been shown to improve mood, increase goal directed behavior, and strives to lead to a more helpful and focused manner of seeing yourself, others and the world long after therapy ends.  Helping clients not only increase their repertoire of tools, the Institute helps their client’s tap into, and further develop, their personal-strengths to help gain more control and confidence while making changes and facing life’s obstacles. In addition, sessions can be conducted virtually (via webcam/online) or phone sessions can be added in order to accommodate the needs of those with fast-paced lifestyles. SESSION DESCRIPTION: Sessions are typically fifty-minutes of pure collaboration with a structured approach focusing on attainable goals and the learning and implementation of new skills to help clients get to where they want to go.  WHERE: Based in Newport Beach, California.

Printable CBTI Fact Sheet