
Anger is a misunderstood problem. Yes there is healthy and unhealthy anger, but people with unhealthy anger, more often than not, tend to have really good intentions. They often value respect (being respected), doing things “the right” way (that makes good sense to them). Often, they have experienced critical or demanding environments at a young age and today believe that people should “at least” make half the efforts that they do. They often believe that they can “get their anger out” or that a blow up “Makes them feel better” or “get what they want,” only this is often only temporary and wrought with consequences of being misunderstood, and with relationships not as close as they would like (it is difficult to hug a porcupine). Cognitive behavioral therapy approaches anger in such a way that can lead to increased happiness – even when people aren’t as they should. Many report treatment leads to getting more of what they want and often provides positive in-direct changes in others.